Atlanta Youth Rugby (AYR) is committed to the safety of our coaches, volunteers, players, families and fans. We are closely monitoring announcements from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to ensure that we are following their guidelines. We have created safety protocols to protect our coaches, players and families while we work together to provide critical services to our community. Please review the following precautions AYR has put in place and to which we ask all of our coaches, players, and families to adhere.

View AYR’s COVID-19 Policies and Procedures

View AYR’s COVID-19 Guidance for Return to Play

To promote safety awareness and prevention of unsafe play, AYR has built on our past achievements (trainers at every contact scrimmage, increasing the use of certified referees, baseline concussion testing, etc.) to create a SafePlay approach that all our sides will follow. A key component is the ‘Law of the Week’, taken from World Rugby and adapted to our curriculum. All GRU teams will be encouraged to focus on training the top ‘Laws’ properly, and referees told to enforce them.

Created with input from AYR coach Samantha Ellmore, Colton Cariaga and others from Life University, as well as input from Kurt Weaver, Youth and High School Director at USA Rugby, and International Rugby Board (IRB) certified referee Russ Wofford, we hope the AYR SafePlay approach will serve as a model for the GRU and beyond.


Exclusive Medical Partner

The Northside Hospital Orthopedic Institute offers the comprehensive care and personalized approach that every athlete needs. They have a team that provides expertise in performance services, injury prevention, athletic training, and orthopedic surgery – plus orthopedic and sports medicine care for children. With a wide range of specialties, the Northside Hospital Orthopedic Institute is AYR’s exclusive medical partner.


Dr. Daniel Charek discusses the complexities of concussions and what you should do if you or someone you know have experienced trauma.


  • USA Rugby L1 Course: All coaches are required to be USA Rugby L1 certified coaches, which includes a World Rugby concussion education course. 

  • Parent Concussion Awareness: All parents are given a fact sheet about prevention, identification, treatment, and proper return-to-play protocols for their children. 

  • Law of the Week Program: Each team participates in AYR's "Law of the Week," which helps educate players on the sometimes complex rules of the game. Smarter players are safer players! 


  • Baseline Concussion Testing: All players are required to complete the online baseline concussion testing before season registration. 

  • Progressive Contact Training: All players and teams work through age-appropriate contact progressions and drills during practices.  

  • Trainers and USA Rugby Referees: All matches have a certified athletic trainer and registered USA Rugby referee in attendance. This ensures the game is kept safe, and players with suspected head injuries are removed and evaluated from the pitch as quickly as possible. 


  • Preseason Conditioning and Skills: Players with better fitness have more control of their body and can continue safe contact when fatigued. November and December pre-season practice focuses on building this fitness incrementally.

  • SafePlay Rules: All coaches, players, and referees are required to watch the SafePlay law videos before participating with a contact AYR team. This ensures all participants are on the same page of what is expected in safe contact. 

  • Mandatory Practice Standards: Safe contact skills and standards are discussed and shared by coaches. All coaches are responsible for incorporating high standards of tackling and elements of safe contact during practices.